Do you remember this?
A group of kids sit in a circle. One whispers a phrase to the next. That child whispers to the next and so on. The last person repeats the statement out loud. What started out, is never the same at the end. “Pizza tastes great” is now, “Pete’s a great ape.”
In your business, do you still business play this game?
A prospect meets a salesperson. All the needs, dreams, timing, objections, etc, are supposed to be conveyed. The salesperson communicates all this with his/her sales manager. Except the salesperson does not hear nor remember everything the prospect said. The salesperson may have been talking too much, not listening enough, not asking enough questions nor asking questions about their answers. Then, back they go to attempt to sell the prospect with a plan in place, most likely based on inaccurate information.
The sales manager updates the project manager. The project manager passes his/her thoughts on to the Division President. The Division President creates a sales, marketing, product development and construction plan; sales forecast and budget which is submitted to the corporate CEO and CFO, all based largely on what their sales people pass up the ladder.
Maybe, this is a bit of an exaggeration…but maybe not. It certainly explains why a new community may install a giant tennis complex when all people really want are a couple of pickle-ball courts.
This is a classic new home sales disconnect. Multi-million dollar companies base decisions on what sales people tell their manager who pass the stories (and opinions) up the line much like the well-known kids’ game.
You can avoid this with the SaleStream!
The SaleStream helps you sell more homes to those who have just visited your website or model home center. It gives you unbiased consumer insights and allows you to make better decisions... from how to sell an individual prospect, all the way to next year’s business plan.
The SaleStream provides a service that lets you understand prospects’ motivations and concerns in real-time, each and every day, 24/7 while they are still considering buying a new home from you.
The more companies go digital in their marketing endeavors… the more they need The SaleStream to REALLY understand what is REALLY happening!